Tuesday, October 09, 2007

Bear Lake Round Two (Jerkass Friends)

Last weekend I went out to Bear Lake with Tony D, Tony Fed, Marisa, Nick, Lauren and Steve to spend the weekend and close down the house for the winter. It was awesome, great weather, good times, good dudes/lady-dudes. For a longer explanation of what my deal with Bear Lake is, see the post below this one. But onward:

The beach.
These next two are totally out of the chronology, but how sweet is Steve's "yeah, I'm drunk, so what" face:

First on the water:

And then exactly the same on land. What a guy.

Quality action shots of yours truly gunning a tight fahkin spiral downfield to Steve, taken by Tony D. And I don't know if it's just because he was high as shit, but he seriously took 70+ pictures of me throwing and catching a football, which I edited down to the following three.

And the action photographer himself about to catch a bomb.

Chilllllaxing on the porch.

Sunset boatride...look at that lazy fuck Steve, getting nautically-chauffeured around. Oh and even though I was the only one rowing a boat with 4 people in it, I won the race back against a canoe with TWO paddlers and only one passenger. Pretty impressive, I know.

The carnivore scum made bacon wrapped steaks. But the grill was wayyyyy too hot and the bacon got scorched really quickly, hence all the smoke. My tofu pups were fine, of course.

I love this picture.

Capped the night off with a fire on the beach. The last few pictures are due to my getting drunk and mesmerized by the way the camera turned the flames purple.

Even though the weekend didn't end here, the pictures do, because I was busy and forgot to take any the last day. I really regret not taking any pictures of the closing down process, but I'm even more bummed that I forgot to take the traditional picture on the front steps right before departure. Next time.

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