Arriving at the Super 8- notice the bread filled parking lot. Some bad shit must have gone down. SETTLE DOWN GUYS. And away we go. \ Pre gambling confidence on my part paid off. That twenty found itself morphed into multiple hundred dollar bills.
Con-cen-tra-tion. If there's something Jim loves more than smoking and drinking in cabs, I don't know what it is. This is actually exactly what everything looked like at 6am. Breakfast was totally necessary. For the three people that this is funny to: look- 77 Louis has a twin brother in AC! We're looking into buying into this timeshare. Very breezy and mere blocks from the beach! This is funny to even fewer people than the other stupid inside joke. But I mean if you're a stranger and looking at these pictures you're a weeeeiiirddoooo anyway.
So this side blog is just going to be pictures of myself and my jackass friends doing stupid things, and occasionally pictures of my family and I doing less stupid things. And when the mood is randy enough, les photographiques erotique que moi. All in no particular order.